La Directa (Catalonia)
A l'interior de 'NOW! Euskal Herrira': Sentiments al cor de la mobilització
Reportage about the demonstration under the slogan “Now! Euskal Herrira” against the so called “dispersion policy” applied to “basque political prisoners collective (EPPK)”.
Reportage about the demonstration under the slogan “Now! Euskal Herrira” against the so called “dispersion policy” applied to “basque political prisoners collective (EPPK)”.
La Directa (Catalonia)
Llàgrimes sota la boira: el sofriment ocult del conflicte basc
Reportage about the hidden suffering of the Basque conflict.
Reportage about the hidden suffering of the Basque conflict.
Zazpika (Basque Country)
Arotz hemen, artzain han eta soldadu Normandian
Reportage about Basque-American soldier Eugene Gorroño.
Reportage about Basque-American soldier Eugene Gorroño.